I am so bad!!!
I was really keen to have MJ set this blog up, but I now feel I never do anything intereting enough to write about!!!!
I've hurt my neck/shoulders at the moment and am finding it really hard to sleep. Didn't help last night as Ben got up needing a drink. He seems to find it hard to settle down again if he wakes in the night, and I heard him moving around for a little while after he went back to bed. He wasn't too keen on getting up this morning because of it!!!!
I'm off for a coffee with two of the Mum's on the Pre-School committee, should be a giggle as they are both very funny!
Actually scrapped a challenge, our first team one on UKS. Will try and add the piccie!!!
Blimey! Not quite in the right place, but it's there!!!
Great to see you back and posting Maria, this LO is gorgeious IRL.
Posted by Mj | 6:05 pm